Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31 - MRSA

I have heard TSW guru Dr. Rapaport discuss the possibility of infection with a compromised skin barrier. It is generally not a concern. That said, my dermatologist was concerned and took a swab sample from my foot when I was there last Tuesday. I got a phone call today and was told it came back positive for MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Great. Now I am on Doxycycline Hyclate pills, Mupirocin ointment, and Hibiclens antiseptic cleanser.


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  2. Dan, I am well aware of what Dr. Rapaport says about skin infection. He is also quick to add that it is not *normally* a concern. The reason the doc took a sample this time is that my lower legs have become swollen again. Unlike the soft edema I had before, this time the swelling is very firm. There's also areas that are discolored and raw unlike what I have before. I added a picture.

    I am trying to keep this blog focused on TSW, not about, say, the health effects of Red #40. If you want, you can discuss that on your blog, but it is my opinion that such things dilute the significance of the subject at hand... the effect that topical steroids has had on us.

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