Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - An Update and a Video

What a crazy couple of years this has been!  Apologies for not keeping this blog up to date, but every time I have attempted, I have failed.  I could go on and on, and maybe I will, about the turmoil this country has been in, the pandemic, my wife’s IBM, how my faith in humanity has been shaken to the core, how politics and religion have altered my relationships with friends and family, etc., but hey, this is a TSW blog!

Even though I thought I was completely healed, that has not been the case.  I have been through a couple relatively minor flares since the last post, and I have been struggling to determine whether they will ever go away.  Perhaps they are not really flares, but rather me just dealing with contact dermatitis, especially since the only symptoms have been skin related.  Anyway, I will post more about it, but I really wanted to get a link posted ASAP about a newly released short documentary called “Skin on Fire”.  The director is a friend of Dr. Marvin Rapaport, a personal hero of mine, and I think it is excellent.  It’s only 30 minutes long, and if you are reading this I think it would be well worth your time:

