First, always remember those that lost their lives 17 years ago today. Our lives have never been the same and what was intended to tear us apart has made us stronger.
Secondly, I feel so good! I am back to pre-flare condition, which means I am at 99% healed. Honestly, I will probably never make it to 100%, and I'm okay with that. There's some persistent rash and itching primarily on my right hand, likely due to contact dermatitis. My next step is to start doing the UVB light box again in hopes that will take things the rest of the way.
Not only was this flare the shortest yet by far, this is the first time a flare has not affected my feet. They were happy campers the whole time. Actually, I was a happy camper the whole time as it was also the first flare that did not affect my everyday activity. My daughters visited from LA and Australia and we had a great time! Yay!
Normalcy will never be normal to me again.